Imagery by Hana Dallimore Photography
If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen by now that I was lucky to be involved in a photo shoot in January as a favour to a friend for her beautiful new gym wear range. Hannah, who takes all my photos for this blog was the star photographer and we spent a few hours shooting the collection of sustainable gym wear by Ellie for the launch of her brand. I also got to have my makeup done by the wonderful Sophie, which I was thrilled about as I had been following her on Instagram for such a long time. In the range there are three colours, and I chose the light grey, as I know from my colour session that I have spoken about here on the blog, lighter more pastel colours work for me.

After the photo shoot, I knew straight away that I would want to use a few of the photos and create a blog to tell you guys all about the collection, why it is amazing and what makes it different to so many brands I have used before. I asked Ellie if she could answer a few questions to help me put this together, with information I think could help you guys and sum up the brand so you can see just how amazing it is.
So, who is Ellie and what is Feel Fit UK?
“So I haven’t always been into fitness at all in fact the opposite. I found strength training and it changed my life. I am a strong believer that when you are physically strong you are mentally, emotionally strong too and are able to cope with whatever life throws at you! Now I am not staying everyone should lift weights either – what I do promote is fitness in whatever form that fits you. Fitness, health, nutrition should be sustainable, it should fit your lifestyle, it should be consistent, and it should make you feel good. What are you training for Ellie? LIFE!! I want to move well, I want to be strong, I want to be able to look after myself at 85 and not rely on someone else.”
Ellie – Feel Fit UK

When Ellie told me this, I resonated with her words so much. I myself am a totally different person when I am keeping to my consistent routine of moving my body and the benefits of physical movement are undoubtedly so important for us mentally. Ever since the shoot, I have been hooked on Ellies Instagram, her positive energy and her amazing tips and tricks for those of us who do need motivation and ideas to keep it varied each day. Give her a follow >> all details below.
“So where do the clothes fit in, it is something I have always wanted to do and when I started looking into sustainability, I was shocked at how fast fashion is ruining our planet. So, my items are designed to last, they are created so they don’t go out of fashion and they are luxury but affordable. Comfy, squat proof leggings and tops that are designed for any workout and leisure wear! I literally live in mine!”
Ellie – Feel Fit UK
I can vouch for this. Ellie kindly gifted me the grey sports bra I wore in this shoot and I live in it… in the gym… and when running around at home! It is so comfortable, supportive, sits beautifully underneath all tops and looks fab. The sustainable side of this collection is incredible, and when Ellie was talking to me about it at the shoot I was hooked. The research she has put in is outstanding and the attention to detail is second to none. If you would like to read a little more about this part of the collection, please click on this link here.

“I am so passionate about the health & fitness industry and I want to help, inspire and motivate people to be the best version of their selves. And if we can do that while helping save the planet then my job is done!”
Ellie – Feel Fit UK
So, there you have it. A collection that is practical, looks great and takes care of our world. What more could you ever ask for? If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or Ellie using the details below. Ellie and I will also be doing a LIVE Instagram today at 12, which will be saved to my Instagram. Check it out if you are interested!

My Instagram – @ladyhunterblog
My email –
Ellie’s Instagram – @feelfituk
Website –
Email –
I have not been paid for this blog post and all views and opinions are entirely my own, unless stated.