Three Simple Tips to Help Boost Your Immune System!

Three Simple Tips to Help Boost Your Immune System!

Has anyone else noticed how everyone is coming down with a cold, cough, flu, bug right now? 

Likely to be the time of year with school back full time and the change in weather - even though it is warmer than normal right now, hey? But also possibly related to the fact our immune systems haven't recovered from Covid-19. 

So it is not surprising we all want to hibernate, curl up with a fluffy blanket, book and a cuppa! Anyone...?

A healthy immune system will stand you in good stead this winter.

Here are Ellie our founders top three tips to help you through the winter. 

Ellie Founder of Feel Fit


I am sure you have guessed or can see by now, here at Feel Fit we all LOOOOVE moving our bodies, not just because it makes us strong, but because it makes us happy. We move in an intuitive way most of the time, we encourage others to do the same. We train with and inline with our monthly cycles also and we listen to our bodies. So apart from those endorphins you will get after you have finished that sweaty workout why else would we be telling you to workout this winter when you really don't feel like it... 

Studies have shown that exercise may just be the key this winter to help fight off those bugs. Research shows that regular exercise can enhances the immune system response against microbial antigens. Meaning you are better equipped to fight these pesky bugs off. 

But that said if you are feeling unwell then take it steady, whilst exercise can help, without proper rest it can suppress your immune system. So don't be a hero, take rest when you need or feel like it. Listen to your body and move intuitively this winter! 


Food - Let's talk food:

You will hear me Ellie, and my coaches at Feel Fit encourgaing all our members and non members to eat, eat more protein especially when training and we talk a lot about supplements too. But it is even more vital to eat a well balanced diet this winter. Especially those yummy fruit and veggies. There are a number of fruit and veg items that can support a strong and healthy immune system. 

Make sure you are including 

Citrus fruit, kiwis, broccoli, peppers, spinach, garlic, ginger, turmeric, seeds, almonds, yogurt, green tea and many more. If you are interested in finding out more than drop me a message here.


And finally Rest:

I mean at this time of year do we really need to be encouraged to rest? Well I know I do, even when I think I have had a restful day I look at what I have achieved or done that day and I think okay maybe not so restful. We encourage everyone to take rest days, to de load from programmes - why because it gives our bodies time to rebuild, recoup and regain what we need to carry on. 

Rest doesn't always mean fully stop, try getting some fresh air, try a new more relaxing workout, stretch, swim or read a book. 

And sleep - sleep is a key component to everything we do. This article tells us how sleep can help us fight off those bugs we have been talking about.. 

Online and in person classes

With all this in mind... 

Are you ready to move a little or want to talk to us about food, training or eating around your cycle?

Try out our Classes in studio for FREE for a week here. Or take advantage of our online services here.


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